Monday, November 3, 2014

Assignment 11/3

    When voting in the future, I will look at one's background, accomplishments, personality, and their knowledge. It is also important to notice if they have been part of the government, and what they have done as part of the government. I will look at what they promise to do, and see if they actually have a plan. I will consider their believes and views on important issues. Ultimately, I will vote for whoever I feel best fits the job.
    Looking at one's background doesn't mean digging up everything they did wrong in the past. I will focus on their previous jobs and schooling. A candidate must have a background of doing the right things, and working with the community. I will not vote for someone that has a solid background, not someone that has repeatedly messed up. Background is important because, the past tells a lot about a person, and what they stand for.
    A candidate must be friendly and loyal. I hate when someone is running and just bashes their opponent. It really shows their character. Personality is important because, we have a democracy. No matter what they are running for, they will have to be able to work with other people. Also, they should have strong morals and actually care about the people in our nation or community.
    Knowledge of government is important. However, I will not vote for someone with more experience. I will look at what they have done with that experience. If they've been in government for ten years and have accomplished nothing, then why not give someone else the chance? They also must have a plan, not just talk about all they plan to do with no way to back it up.
    To conclude, when I vote in the future I will look at a lot of things. I won't just pay attention to the commercials, and what is going on in the news. If I'm going to vote, I will know the person well. It doesn't matter Republican or Democrat to me, I'm concerned with who is best for the job. If they are tackling issues I feel is important, then I will vote for them. If they haven't done anything while in office of any type, my vote will go to the other because, we should give new people chances instead of the same people five chances.

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