Thursday, November 6, 2014

11/6 Assignment

     Welfare should be high regulated. I believe it is a great thing for this country to be able to help people in need, however it is being abused. Welfare should just be an aid not something you can live off of. I would vote that we keep Welfare, but that it is more regulated. You shouldn't just be able to sign up, and automatically get a check in the mail. Alcoholism shouldn't be a disability that you can receive welfare for because, that is a choice. The money for Welfare should be monitored on what it is being spent on,
      Education is a huge issue in West Virginia. We are at a lost for teachers. I would vote to raise the salary of teachers in order to get more interested in the field. Also, education spending is terrible. Computers are nice, but you don't absolutely need the best for kids to be able to learn, however you do need a good teacher. The teachers we have now are working their butts off with paper work and everything, yet seem to get no rewards. I'm sure there are plenty of areas of education that spending could be cut to raise teacher salary.
      Being West Virginia, natural resources is always an issue. We have coal, but right now Washington is shutting it down. Coal is working and giving many West Virginians jobs. I would vote to keep natural resources as a source of energy. Why fix something when it isn't broken? Our country and state needs to do what is best for us now. Unemployment is an issue, but taking away coal is simply making it worse. If you take away natural resources then, we need to have an outlet to open up jobs, possibly a factory.

         For many people quality of roads may not seem important. However, children are on them, the future of this state is on roads. The roads in West Virginia are currently very dangerous. Pot holes are everywhere, and we simply fill in the holes, but as winter rolls around they continue to get bad. We need to black top many of the roads again and keep them nice. Don't wait until the hole is huge for us to fix it. In the end this would save us money because, insurance companies wouldn't have as many wrecks, and the state road wouldn't have terrible messes to clean up at the end of winter. If we fix them immediately then, we would only spend a little bit of money at a time.

        We have never done enough for our veterans. They risk their lives for us, and we simply act like they're supposed to. I would vote to give them better rehabilitation programs that are state funded. Also, veterans need jobs when they return. I'm not saying throw non-veterans out of their jobs to make room, but if there were some form of government job we could offer them until they get back on their feet and get adjusted.


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