Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 Assignment

1. This article discusses how a high school coach was suspended for two games after being apart of a team prayer. The coach didn't even lead the prayer, he simply joined in. The headmaster is arguing that it goes against church and state separation.

2. A group of congressmen are wanting to repeal the 16th amendment. They want to get rid of the IRS all together. They aren't saying what they want to replace it with though. They believe that income taxes are too hard to go through with, and they can't propose different plans for raising revenue with the 16th amendment in place/

3. In 2010, there was a Supreme Court case of McDonald v. Chicago. The case was about the second amendment. Cities in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois were producing laws against handguns. The laws almost denied the right to a handgun to all private citizens. In the end, the Supreme Court ruled the laws unconstitutional of the Second Amendment.

4. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) This case ruled that the separation of children in public schools was against the 14th amendment. A child was denied access to Topeka's "white" school. Brown claimed that Topeka's racial segregation violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause because the city's black and white schools were not equal to each other and never could be. In the end, Brown won, and the court ruled that separation of public schools was unconstitutional.

5. I would choose the 1st amendment. It gives you five rights, and allows you freedom that we often take for granted.

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