Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 Assignment

1. This article discusses how a high school coach was suspended for two games after being apart of a team prayer. The coach didn't even lead the prayer, he simply joined in. The headmaster is arguing that it goes against church and state separation.

2. A group of congressmen are wanting to repeal the 16th amendment. They want to get rid of the IRS all together. They aren't saying what they want to replace it with though. They believe that income taxes are too hard to go through with, and they can't propose different plans for raising revenue with the 16th amendment in place/

3. In 2010, there was a Supreme Court case of McDonald v. Chicago. The case was about the second amendment. Cities in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois were producing laws against handguns. The laws almost denied the right to a handgun to all private citizens. In the end, the Supreme Court ruled the laws unconstitutional of the Second Amendment.

4. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) This case ruled that the separation of children in public schools was against the 14th amendment. A child was denied access to Topeka's "white" school. Brown claimed that Topeka's racial segregation violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause because the city's black and white schools were not equal to each other and never could be. In the end, Brown won, and the court ruled that separation of public schools was unconstitutional.

5. I would choose the 1st amendment. It gives you five rights, and allows you freedom that we often take for granted.


1. They are protesting Beijing's refusal to allow a genuine choice of candidates for the 2017 vote for Hong Kong's leader.
2. The right to vote and protest.

Friday, September 26, 2014

9/26 bellringer

1. This indicates that West Virginia doesn't few education as a top priority. They try to find jobs that don't require a college degree and explains why our state is low income.
2. West Virginia is a low income state so people feel they can't afford it.
3. Stress more the idea that you get about $20,000 more a year.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


1. He tried to make that the terrorist groups were dangerous, and that America is right to address problems of global violence.
2. He wasn't too affective because, he focused on the United States a lot and went back on what he said at the UN last year. Probably about a 5/10.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


1. I don't agree with the new policy because, it should be up to the owner and the customers. They aren't being forced to set in a smoking area, and non-smoking areas are always available. Also, you don't have to eat there.
2. Businesses might have to rearrange everything. What are they going to do with the section that was sectioned off just for smoking? Also, they could lose business if they start to smoke and then are asked to stop. It is hard to open up a new policy like this when people aren't use to it.


1. It is important to have Arab allies to show that we aren't just targeting Arabs, we are targeting terrorist groups. Also, they can help us get into the areas and provide us with insight. It is important to get Allies so that it shows the terrorists aren't just affecting Americans.
2. I believe Syria will try to fight back. They aren't happy with what is happening and don't plan to let us attack like we did Iraq.

Monday, September 22, 2014


1. I believe that the age for voting shouldn't be lowered because, sixteen year olds aren't focused on what is going on in the world. You might simply get a double vote from a parent who is forcing their child to go vote.
2. I think the age now is appropriate.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bellringer 09/18

New data from the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium has revealed that ISIS is putting governing structures in place to rule the territories the group conquers once the dust settles on the battlefield. The research shows how ISIS has gone from being a purely military force to building a system that can provide basic services, such as making sure that gas and food are available, to its new citizens.As time goes on, ISIS is evolving into a government whose political decision-making cannot be separated from its military capabilities.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I believe that getting whipped is reasonable punishment. My parents did so. It just depends on how far you cross the line. If you are beating your child that's completely different.
2. Discipline isn't what it use to be. Whipping was the punishment back then. Children aren't going to understand something is bad when you are just telling them.

Friday, September 12, 2014


I'm pretty surprised. It scares me a lot, but I believe our country can handle it. I'm completely baffled. I think they should hunt this group down right now, don't wait for something to happen.

9/9 Bellringer

1. No I'm not.
2. American Society will be eating their life away. However, they won't be eating at fast food restaurants which is good.
3. Americans have a choice to eat there or not. Yes, it is unhealthy, but it is also a choice. They aren't being forced.
4. I would eat at the Roadhouse, and it would be steak and loaded cheese fries.

9/8 Bellringer

Fred Mayer was an important spy for America during World War II. Even though Mayer had been through so much with the Germans, he doesn't hold a grudge. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 7, 1941, Mayer volunteered to join the U.S. Army. He proved to be a good soldier, and his knowledge of several European languages landed him in the newly formed Office of Strategic.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bellringer 9/5

1. This could be a problem for citizens because it is messing up their phone connections and service. If they needed to do something right then, their phone would be too slowly. Some people may think it's a danger because their phone is being hacked, but the NSA already reads all of them anyways.
2. I think they are beside military bases for safety reasons. So the government can protect terrorists near the military bases from communicating.
3. Yes I do believe the government is in charge of this for the same reasons as why they are near military bases. The U.S. wouldn't allow these fake phone towers near military bases without their knowledge.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bellringer 9/4

1. India will be at high risk and they mat be alert.
2. They are targeting India because they have a high Muslim population.
3. The U.S. needs to prepare and be alert. This terrorist group will spread and possibly start war with us or one of our allies.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bellringer 9/3/14

1. Rick Perry is being accused of using his Governor power wrongly. He is reacting to  Rosemary Lehmberg's drunk driving.

2. Yes, I do. If the power he is using is the power that a governor has then, he isn't overusing it. It is his job to fund certain programs, and if the program is being ran by a irresponsible person, why fund it? That is giving money and funding away to someone who should be losing their job.