Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BR 8/19/14

1. One mistake was saying that they would release the name of the officer involved in shooting on Tuesday, but then went back on their word. You can't tell an angry group of people one thing to settle them down, then not do it. It makes the situation worse. Also, the City of Ferguson asked them to protest only during the daytime. You have the right to protest peacefully, without any time restrictions. The protests were already violent, but telling the ones that were being peaceful that they couldn't protest when they wanted just added a flame to the fire.

2. Excessive force is when you use unnecessary violence or force just so things are easier. I do believe excessive force was used in the Brown shooting. I don't see where you would need to shoot someone six times, unless you wanted to make sure they were dead. I believe excessive force was used so that Brown couldn't testify against the police officer.
3. I would bring in upper authorities and stop letting the Ferguson police handle the protests. There is obviously tension there. I would let the Ferguson police focus on day to day duties. Also, I would just continue on investigating the shooting of Brown. I would also make a public announcement about how these violent protests are stopping young children from getting an education. School was suppose to start four days ago.

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