Friday, August 29, 2014

Bellringer and Assignment 8/29/14

1. The instructor
2. Yes, if they are being supervised properly.
3. No they should not be because, they are more dangerous than normal rifles.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/28/14 Bellringer

Article 1: defines legislative branch and its powers

Article 2:Executive Branch, it's powers, duties, and means of removal.

Article 3: sets up the Judicial Branch and defines treason.

Article 4: regulates the states' powers, and their interaction with the National government.

Article 5: sets up the amendment process.

Article 6: Supreme law of land

Article 7:ratification and declares that the constitution should take affect if 9 out of 13 states ratify.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bellringer 8/26

U.S. are planning to fly planes over Syria which will provide potential targets if airstrikes against Islamic State militants are approved. Surveillance flights over Syria would allow the military to get a better picture of the viability of the airstrikes. Obama hasn't decided which steps to take in Syria yet.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8/20/14 Bellringer

1. U.S. government is causing CEO's to pay high taxes. They are being forced to find overseas partners where the taxes aren't so high.
2. The purpose of taxes is so that the government has money to pay for unfunded organizations like public school, roads, and other useful things that Americans use. They don't realize that their tax dollars actually go towards them.
3. In my opinion, taxes should be based on ho much income you make. Therefore, the rich should pay the most taxes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BR 8/19/14

1. One mistake was saying that they would release the name of the officer involved in shooting on Tuesday, but then went back on their word. You can't tell an angry group of people one thing to settle them down, then not do it. It makes the situation worse. Also, the City of Ferguson asked them to protest only during the daytime. You have the right to protest peacefully, without any time restrictions. The protests were already violent, but telling the ones that were being peaceful that they couldn't protest when they wanted just added a flame to the fire.

2. Excessive force is when you use unnecessary violence or force just so things are easier. I do believe excessive force was used in the Brown shooting. I don't see where you would need to shoot someone six times, unless you wanted to make sure they were dead. I believe excessive force was used so that Brown couldn't testify against the police officer.
3. I would bring in upper authorities and stop letting the Ferguson police handle the protests. There is obviously tension there. I would let the Ferguson police focus on day to day duties. Also, I would just continue on investigating the shooting of Brown. I would also make a public announcement about how these violent protests are stopping young children from getting an education. School was suppose to start four days ago.

First Blog Entry

Dear Karlie
By the end of this school year, I hope I change some things at Philip Barbour. I hope I bring more school spirit and bring classes together. I will be accepted to WVU already, and ready to start your life in Morgantown. I hope to learn things that will help in college. I hope to pass my AP Bio exam, and be ready to have biology as my major. I will finish my senior project and get an A on it. I want to change some of my friends' behaviors and put them on the right tract before they go out to college. I will try to guide them in the right direction and keep them under my wing throughout the year. I'll see how well I did, I guess.

A year from now, I will be attending my first class at WVU. I'll be living in Morgantown. I'm not sure who I'll be living with, rather it be in a dorm or an apartment. I will have a job and be able to manage my time wisely. I hope that I keep my friends, but make plenty of new ones. I hope that a year from now, I'll be sharing a house with Paige, Devin, Caleb, and Keeley, but not everything goes as planned. I have a goal of knowing what exactly I want to do with my life by this time next year. I hope to have a great major that I'll keep all four years at WVU. I hope I remember to call my family and check up on my mom. I can't get caught up in college and forget about them.

Be you,
