Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bellringer April 8

1. There are five companies that our known for paying above minimum wage and still make good profit. Invest in your employees and they will invest in you.

April 7

I am upset that my woman didn't get nominated. However, I think they picked great women because, they all show great leadership. They all changed American, but Wilma Mankiller isn't as popular so I don't feel she is worthy of being on it.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Bellringer 3/30

I'm not sure this is a way to completely fix it. I mean regardless of what you do, when you fly you put your life in someone else's hands. However, I do believe they should have the same regulations as American airlines do with always having two people in the cockpit. Also, the should have to have a psychiatric evaluation every 6 months.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bellringer 3/25

We could help this problem in many ways. For one, we can start a fresh food market which gives easier access to fresh fruits and vegetables for the community. Also, we an open more parks that give people areas to walk and exercise since many can't afford a gym membership. Raising the tobacco age would help because, our culture would change a little because it wouldn't be so widely accepted.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bellringer 3/23

I agree that the smoking age should be raised. This is for the fact that it doesn't just harm yourself, but others through second hand smoke. If it would decrease the number of children under 18 that get introduced to tobacco then, it is a great idea. 18 year olds are often still in school, which is why so many younger students can easily get it.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bellringer March 13

1. A bill was passed by the House of Delegates to allow West Virginians to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
2. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
3. It would create false security, and people will shoot over everything.
4. I think it is a terrible bill. People should be trained and be able to pass a permit test ebfore being able to carry a concealed weapon around.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bill letter

883 Barbour Corner Rd.
Flemington, WV 26347

March 12, 2015

The Honorable David McKinley
Horne Building 1100 Main Street, Suite 101
Wheeling, WV 26003

Dear Representative David McKinley,

My name is Karlie Smallwood, and I am a member of the Barbour County community. I attend Philip Barbour as a senior.

I am writing to express my concern for a federal immunizations bill. It is important that we protect our future generations, and immunizations have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. The problem, however, is that the only two states that do not allow personal or religious belives for exception of immunizations are West Virginia and Missippi. I am rather proud that our state is among those two, but it alarms me for other states.

I strongly believe in individual rights, but this is a cocern of public health and safety. Not only does not immunizing your child put your child at a great risk, but also those who cannot receive immunizations at the time. Infants, pregnant women, and anybody with suppressed immune systems cannot receive immunizations therefore, if one chooses to not vaccinate their child and contracts a disease then, these citizens are at risk.

All vaccinations must be tested by the Food and Drug Administration. Also, they are 90-99% effective. It is our job to reserve the rights for children. Parents can get prosecuted for not taking their child to the dentist, doctors, or any other medical attention, yet they are allowed to keep them at risk of a terrible disease.

I greatly appreciate your time, and hope you understand the importance of a bill like this. Immunizations have helped our nation stay healthy for so long,but more young adults are using their “personal beliefs” to put others at risk.

Thank you for your consideration


Karlie Smallwood

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bellringer 3/10

1. 18-25 year old people that smoked marijuana have abnormalities in the brains where emotion and motivation is regulated.
2+3. I always thought that marijuana had more affects than people assumed. If everything else that gets you high hurts your brain then, I assumed marijuana did as well.

Bellringer March 11

1. President Obama adding changes to the "student aid bill of rights."
2. It is significant because, I will be going to college and possibly have student debt.
3. I feel that is is good, but I'm not sure how much it is going to change. I guess we don't know until it takes affect.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bellringer 3/2

1, The common core standards in West Virginia will be repealed.
2. The state education may lose federal funding.
3. I feel that standardized testing is excellent if the students take them seriously. It is the only

Bellringer 3/3

1. Senate approves a bill that would exempt certain veterans’ organizations from county indoor smoking bans and let other businesses like racetracks and video lottery establishments request such exemptions.
2. It could effect business loss to casinos.
3. Locations allowed those exemptions would have to ensure a minimum air exchange of six times per hour throughout the indoor space and a minimum air exchange of 12 times per hour in any indoor space that serves food, unless the food space is designated nonsmoking.
4. My opinion is, it should be up to the owners. It is a choice to smoke, be around people smoking, and going to places. If you don't want smoking then, don't go somewhere that allows smoking. 

Monday, March 2, 2015


Karlie Smallwood

Principal Author:
Bill No:


Title of Bill:
Mandatory Immunizations Act 2015

Be It Enacted By united States Congress


Preamble: Mandatory Immunizations Act would require that all children be vaccinated at the age that vaccinations are allowed. Religious or personal beliefs would not be an exception, due to the fact that it in dangers others. Students that are not immunized will not be permitted to attend schools until they are immunized. The only exception would be those who cannot be vaccinated due to a medical condition.
SECTION 1: All states will require parents or guardians to give their children the vaccinations as well as the proper dosages as followed: 
           (1) DTaP/DTP/Td/Tdap – shall require four doses;
            (2) Polio (IPV) - shall require three doses;
            (3) Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) - shall require two doses the first of which must be done after the child’s first birthday;
            (4) Hepatitis-B - (Recombivax HB or Engerix-Brequire) shall require three injections administered over a six-month period, and;
            (5) Chickenpox (VAR) - shall require two doses.
SECTION 2: If a parent or guardian refuses to vaccinate their child without a legal medical exemption, the parents can be prosecuted.
SECTION 3: If a parent doesn’t vaccinate their child with the vaccinations in Section 1, and their child contracts one of the illnesses, it shall be considered as child neglect. Also, if the child would pass away due to the illness then, the parent or guardian shall be trialed in court for murder.
SECTION 4: If another child that was too young to be vaccinated contracts the illness from such child in Section 3, then the parents shall be found as attempt of murder, or if the child passes murder. The parents or guardians knew the risks prior to letting their children not be vaccinated and allowed them to interact with other children.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bellringer 2/26

1. Tiger Woods is known all over for his golfing talents. At the age of 21, Woods became the youngest player to ever win the Masters, as well as the first person of African or Asian descent to win a major golf championship. In 2002, he became the first golfer since Jack Nicklaus to capture the year's first two major tournaments: Masters and U.S. Open
2.He was involved in a legal controversy in 2000 regarding his filming of a Buick commercial during the Screen Actors' Guild six-month strike against advertisers

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bellringer Feb. 25

1.  President Barack Obama is threatening to veto a bill that will fix "No Child Left Behind."
2. No Child Left Behind isn't working. I am against it so, something needs to be done. However, that doesn't mean that this bill that will cost the government money to be passed.
3. Education is public policy because, everyone in America goes to school.