Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bellringer 10/30

1. This article is about the political races in West Virginia. Shelley Capito is currently running for West Virginia U.S. senate. She could possible make history as the first woman elected for Senate in West Virginia. With all the elections going on, West Virginia might be a Republican state.
2.  I agree with this article and think she will win.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bellringer 10/28

1. This helps my case because, it shows that people don't always get the right attorneys.
2. I believe they were because, with all the evidence of terrible legal counsel, you can't kill a man. The article says all of what he did, but without being appealed correctly, this might be false.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


This article is ridiculous. These laws make absolutely no sense and are pointless. Laws are supposed to protect people and our nation, not these little things. I believe people were just trying to see if they could get ridiculous laws passed. These laws reflect a lot on America, and they disgust me.

Monday, October 27, 2014


1. They are seeking the death penalty because, Lee abandoned passengers which were school-children.
2. I do not agree because, although it was his job to save the children, he didn't kill them purposely. There is no law saying that he must save the children instead of himself.
3. Yes I do. The death penalty is the only sure punishment. Many prisoners go to jail, and get wonderful treatment and free food. The death penalty would be best for all. They also couldn't escape.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bellringer 10/17

1. Nurses in Texas weren't properly equipped when they had to deal with Ebola. They exposed their neck. The hospital was in chaos, and there were no cleaning crews where the patient was. One of the nurses had to ask for a mop herself.
2. I'm not surprised. Americans always have this feeling that nothing bad can ever happen to us. When a catastrophe strikes, we're never prepared.

Presidential Report Card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: __Franklin D. Roosevelt__________
Number of Presidency:_______32_________
Years in Office: _________12______
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did.
Category                                                        Grade                                                  Comments
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis        A                        Franklin D. Roosevelt was able to handle the Great Depression crisis at its peak.  He helped establish a relationship between federal government and people’s economy. Although he was still recovering from the loss of use of his legs, he still stepped up and became President. I know his polio wasn’t exactly an American crisis, but it still shows his power to be determined for the people no matter what. He was also President when Pearl Harbor was attacked. He handled everything that was thrown at him and a wonderful manner.

Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet     A             during his time as President, Roosevelt worked very hard to establish a relationship between Congress and his Cabinet. Congress passed many Acts including the Social Security Act and Emergency Banking Relief Act. He had more women than ever in federal posts and made sure African Americans were included. Also, he appointed the first women in the cabinet, Nancy Perkins. Only one of his plans was turned down by Congress.

Character and Integrity                           A                 Franklin D. Roosevelt was a very determined man. He struggled with polio and many setbacks during his time of Presidency but never gave up. He was determined to see the war until its conclusion disregarding the fact that he was very ill. He related with the people and had radio

Education                                            A -                    FDR not only attended college but he attended Harvard, Columbia University Law School and Groton Preparatory school. At Harvard FDR was an Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, editor of the Harvard Crimson newspaper and received his degree in only three years. However, at Harvard he was an average C student which is why he receives an A-.

Empathy                                A                             FDR felt everything with America. That is why he had such a strong connection with the public and always won in a landslide. He felt profoundly and even refused his own illness until the war was over. He himself was struggling with polio which is probably why he had such an amazing empathy with the people.

Foreign Policy                         B                         FDR wasn't bad with the foreign policy. He increased defense budget and helped defend with the Holocaust coming on. However, we didn't help the Jews until we were attacked by Pearl Harbor. If we would've entered earlier then, we could have stopped it earlier. He did build a great military and work well with the other allies.

Relates to the common man          A              FDR doesn't seem himself higher than the people he was representing. He would hold radio talks and other public announcements where he would talk with the country. Again, he was struggling with polio himself. He spoke directly to the people in fireside chats. He would speak to a normal hard working man not the high held up people.

Persuasiveness                            A                     FDR was great with persuading the people, Congress and other nations. With the famous “Four Freedoms,” speech, FDR persuaded Congress. He also is ranked one of the highest among all the presidents by scholars for persuasion and communication.

Political Experience               A                     FDR receives an A because, he was New York State Senate and the Assistant Secretary of the Navy before becoming President. These experiences gave him great knowledge before becoming president. It was also a chairman for the Agriculture committee during his second term of Senate. FDR had plenty of political experience.

Public speaking & Communication              A              FDR made sure he was heard all the time. He was the first president to use the radio to address the nation. He gave many speeches to the public considering there was so much going on during his time as president. After Pearl Harbor, he gave a great speech using clear words and text that everyone could use.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/15 bellringer

College graduates should look for employment in rare jobs, because they are increasing. Jobs like genetic counseling and anything technology based. Teachers are always at a need as well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

bellringer 10/13

1. No nothing surprises me anymore about privacy. Any app or electronic that you use can be hacked and leaked.
2. No privacy doesn't exist. They can say they have all these walls and everything but stuff can still be hacked.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bellringer 10/10

1. I agree that she should be able to because, its her life. Many of us may not believe in it, but how are we to tell someone they have to live in misery?
2. Suicide is completely different. With euthanasia, a doctor has offered to help you if a professional doesn't believe you will get better and will suffer, then you're life is already over.
3. I'm not even sure how I would feel. I think I would try to fight, but you never know.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

bellringer 10/09

1. The economy is ridiculous. People spend money on crazy things like a hamburger? Different regions would never pay that much for a burger.
2. Probably not because, it doesn't even sound good. I would feel weird eating a hamburger that costs so much.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10/8

1. I'm not surprised at all. It is common everywhere you go for waitresses and such to flirt to get higher tips, but then complain about being sexually harassed.
2. I think wages should be raised for tip workers because, they shouldn't have to feel the need to be like that and get sexually harassed.
3. They should pass a law and federal budget for raising the minimum wage for tip workers.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bellringer 10/6

1. These articles attempt to get you to click on the link to open up a virus.
2. I knew about this. I try not to click on anything unless I recognize the site or if it seems legit.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bellringer 10/2

1. There are other disease that kill more people that we don't care about. Ebola isn't air borne so it has to be transmitted by bodily fluids.
2. Influenza, Measles, and Norovirus. In some ways,
3. I don't have any personal concerns with it. I won't be concerned until it becomes air borne. It is just like the other diseases and such we have, you can prevent it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

9/30 Bellringer

1. The court system will have to deal with it by if they said yes, not just if they said no. Before, if people didn't say no then, it was seen as yes.
2. This will  make the charge of rape easier because, it is easier to simply narrow it down to did he/she say yes or did they just assume?

Oct. 1

1. He shouldn't have been because, it is his right to pray. If Tim Tebow can do it then, so can he.
2. The first
3. Meet with all the refs or have a broadcast announcing that you are allowed to pray, but you can't go to your knees in celebration. Clear up the rule.